Adams County Community Foundation Scholarship
Stacy Orndorff
Adams Electric Cooperative Scholarships.
Isabella Bobe - Bermudian Springs High School
Zachary Deah - Bermudian Springs High School
Connor Deah - Bermudian Springs High School
Kayla Ostriche - Bermudian Springs High School
Carter Stuart - Bermudian Springs High School
Haley Yacoviello-Andrus - Bermudian Springs High School
Rebecca Cohick - Big Spring High School
Molly Gutshall - Big Spring High School
Lilly Newcomer - Biglerville High School
Colin Arnold - Chambersburg Area High School
Tiffany Ellsworth - Fairfield Area High School
Camron Wiles - Fairfield Area High School
Rachel Frenette - Gettysburg Area High School
Madison Knerr - Gettysburg Area High School
Cole Rowlands - Dover Area High School
Derek Reed - Littlestown Area High School
Shaely Stabler - New Oxford High School
Alexandra Wetzel - Red Lion Area High School
Kelsey Shoap - Shippensburg Area High School
Daniel Sushko - Kennard-Dale High School
Fenton Stormes - South Western High School
Sabreena Fahringer - Susquehannock High School
Hailey Wolfe - Spring Grove Area High School
Nevaeh Wolfe - Spring Grove Area High School
Adams Electric Cooperative Scholarships Home School, Cyber & Private
Annabelle Biggins - Delone Catholic High School
Maggie Hughes - Delone Catholic High School
Nathaniel Snyder - Homeschooled
Adams Electric Career and Trade Scholarship
Garrett Wilson - Susquehannock High School
Albert J. Lentz American Legion Post 202
Honey Strosnider - Fairfield Area High School
American Legion Scholarship
Clayton Davis - Gettysburg Area High School
Sherry (Krom) Amig Memorial Scholarship
Joseph Cooper - New Oxford High School
Thomas E. Arnold Scholarship
Isabelle Allen - Biglerville High School
Biglerville Healthcare Scholarship
Katelynn Ketterman - Gettysburg Area High School
Biglerville High School Business Award
Jack Regentin - Biglerville High School
Biglerville Trades & Technology Scholarship
Graham Rex - New Oxford High School
Joseph T. & Ivah R. Bollinger Scholarship
Diego Guzman - Littlestown Area High School
Canner Awards
Emma Parker - Biglerville High School
Mary Sue Cline Scholarships
Joscelynn Anglin - Biglerville High School
Joseph Menges - Biglerville High School
Conewago Valley Scholarships
Kiefer Bell - New Oxford High School
Joseph Cooper - New Oxford High School
Isabelle Kirkpatrick - New Oxford High School
Hayley Marsh - New Oxford High School
Makenzie Yingling - New Oxford High School
Emma M. Duttera Scholarship
Jordyn Beard - Littlestown High School
Fairfield Alumni Scholarship
Mary Aker - Fairfield Area High School
Ray and Violet Flickinger Scholarship
Lilly Newcomer - Biglerville High School
Gettysburg High School Class of 1964
Eliza Kellett - Gettysburg Area High School
Walter P. and Anna Griest Memorial Scholarship
Jayden Pohlman - New Oxford High School
Harold L. Griffie STEM Scholarship
Jaxson Bloom - Bermudian Springs High School
Berne C. Hart Technical Scholarships
Austin Lebo - Dover Area High School
Bryan Roth - Dover Area High School
Gavin Comber - Susquehannock High School
Garrett Wilson - Susquehannock High School
Thomas P. Henninger Scholarship
Malachi Abma - Gettysburg Area High School
Mabelle Hereter Memorial Scholarship in Music
Abigail Blaney - Gettysburg Area High School
Eddie Horst Memorial Scholarship
Hannah Fletcher - Bermudian Springs High School
George B. Inskip Memorial Scholarship
Mary Aker - Fairfield Area High School
Kermit Jacoby, Jr. Memorial Scholarships
Joscelynn Anglin - Biglerville High School
Ryan Van Dyke - Biglerville High School
Dale R. King Memorial Scholarship
Jayden Pohlman - New Oxford High School
Dr. Ronald Krablin Scholarship
Isabelle Kirkpatrick - New Oxford High School
Mildred Walters Leader Memorial Scholarship
Benjamin Angstadt - Biglerville High School
Julie Ann Lochary Scholarship
Makayla Reiter - Littlestown High School
Michelle Rene Louey Memorial Scholarship
Katelyn Snare - Littlestown High School
J. W. Martin Memorial Math Scholarship
Madison Cromwell - Fairfield Area High School
Meghan T. McKinney Memorial Scholarship
Ryan Van Dyke - Biglerville High School
Elizabeth Musselman Memorial Scholarship
Honey Strosnider - Fairfield Area High School
Luella Musselman Paul Scholarship
Isabelle Allen - Biglerville High School
Greg Richardson Athletic Awards
Honey Strosnider - Fairfield Area High School
Christopher Wagner - Gettysburg Area High School
Elizabeth Ferciot Roby Art Scholarship
Gabriella Shelleman-Wetzel- Gettysburg Area High School
Rotary Club of Littlestown Scholarship
Alasqa Farley - Littlestown High School
Rotary Club of Gettysburg Scholarships
Joseph Menges - Biglerville High School
Mary Aker - Fairfield Area High School
Honey Strosnider - Fairfield Area High School
Briana Abate - Gettysburg Area High School
Abigail Blaney - Gettysburg Area High School
Hannah Brainard - Gettysburg Area High School
Jacob Cherry - Gettysburg Area High School
Emilio Garcia - Gettysburg Area High School
Nathaniel Snyder - Homeschooled
Dennis Runk, CPA (Class of 1969) and Family Scholarship
Nolan Westfall - Littlestown High School
Dennis Runk, CPA (Class of 1969) and Family Trade Scholarship
Jordyn Beard - Littlestown High School
Helen & Elton Ruth Memorial Scholarship
Paige Dill - New Oxford High School
Dalton Cole Schriver Memorial Scholarship
Jayden Pohlman - New Oxford High School
Emory H. & Luther D. Snyder Scholarship
Derek Reed - Littlestown High School
Rosemary & Leon Tawney Scholarships
Haley Yacoviello-Andrus - Bermudian Springs High School
Makayla Reiter - Littlestown High School
Paige Dill - New Oxford High School
Ray J. Wherley Tech/Trade Scholarship
Camden Elmo- New Oxford High School