Students and Parents:
Click the Login Button below to log into the ChapterNet Student Dashboard!
Upon clicking this link you will be taken to the Dollars For Scholars Online Application page.
PLEASE NOTE: Many scholarships offered are need based. To calculate your needs, The Scholarship America/Dollars for Scholars application requires the college you will be attending to be included on the application. Even if you do not know what school you will be attending, you can complete the application with the exception of that information, and then return to your profile and update it with your elected school once you have made your decision. Please don't hesitate to start the application process today, and then check back in to update your information as you gather it. Use the Support button for any issues encountered while submitting your application.
The Adams County Community Foundation Dollars for Scholars Application Deadline is March 15.
Support is just a click away. If you encounter an issue, use the grey Support Button.